Monday, June 30, 2008
unaware if its me... ):
11:08 PM
today ar..
is week 2 of term 3 ler..
soooo fast...
received phy mid yrs today..
fail by 5 marks..
the most interesting thing is..
i actually gt 6 in class for it..
and jeff gt highest in lvl..
today spent my whole nite filing =S
at least i'm done with it
thursday gt to go back to ngee ann for maths mentoring..
apparently i din fulfil the mid yr requirement for my mentee..
they din pass their maths midyr..
and looks like i have to work harder in helpin them..
otherwise i may nt get my cip and my $$......
sat gt dance and band prac ar..
so fri must finish work..
already today i din do my chi and econs hw
cuz was filin
i have to finish them tml..
no questions asked..
its time to start putting in 1000% of my effort..
i seriously need to pass my promos..
in 2 months =X
1 pass for any one of my H2 subjects (econs,maths,chem) , a pass in H1 phy..and a pass in GP...
and the remaining 2 H2 subjects must get S-Pass...
rite now..i'm nt anywhr near..
chem phy both fail.. -.-
phy was near..
so i guess i shd be somewhr there..
chem..i dunno how far m i away from a S... only hope of passing a test this jcts ler..
tml vina's coming over for dinner with my mummy
feels so funny
tats abt it i guess
g'nights =)
idk what to do..
idk if it was what i said..
though i noe i nvr had that meaning..Labels: unaware if it's me
Sunday, June 29, 2008
11:45 PM
today is sunday service
for the firstttt time
i manage to wake tiong wei up on my second call
today's revelations cell duty to set up chairs
so was there kinda early
after service
yan jun,james,sarah and me went to wash cupz
we washed finish it quite fast..
then poiema!
we had dance prac again
and it was quite okay i guess
so godma patsy bought lunch for the youths
she bot pizzas and chicken wings and shepard's pie
Thank You Godma =)
then band prac till quite late..
i was slpin on the couch
until sarah came to take her bag..which i was lying against..lols!
then she n charmaine studied history i think
before we go paly badminton
today play 1 hr only..
nxt week nt palying ler
nxt week match i tink
tml sch lesson normal timetable
so many lectures
hope i get used agian
tats abt it ba
nites ppl
Labels: sunday
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Lost Generation
2:22 PM
saw this interesting video on fuda's facebook
and decided to post it too
Its about a Lost Generation, on how the future can be, and what we can do to stop it.
back to muggin =(
Labels: Lost Generation
F.F outing!
1:11 AM
hellos (:
last nite watched euro 08
but decided to off the tv early
cuz my fav team russia were nt performing to their usual standards
and were losing to a team that always underperform
the finals of euro aint gna be interesting to me at least
spain vs germany
both teams arent teams i would support
nt the kind of football i like at least
i like the football of russia when they beat holland 3-1
i like the football of manchester united when they storm to the title
i like the football of arsenal when they demolished sprata prague 7-0 in champions league 08
but i dont like the football of spain or germany
if i knew russia was gna lose..
i wun have watched man..
waste my time
ended up oversleeping and being late for sch
had chem lesson at 10.15
and i woke up at 9.35
chiong like mad
and reached the lecture theatre just in time
then after chem JCT answers going thru thingy, i met daniel,tiong wei and baohui at tmall for our F.F outings!
bo jun cld nt come unfortunately..
we set off for Orchard Cineleisure
and bot tickets for The Happenings
then we went to get out snacks
and went into the cinema
the reveberations so irritating lor
cuz the cinema abit small
then ar..
the sound can echo for very long in your ears..
the whole movie kept me on the edge of my seat
cuz everyone in the movie was commiting suicide
caused by some neurotoxin virus in the air
supposedly backlash from earth for us destroying it
and the way they commit suicide ar
is totally impossible
who will go and stand in the lions den and let the lion rip your limbs into pieces
who will on the tractor and lie infront of it and be shredded to bits by it?
who will bang ur head against the glass window until glass shards pierce through both eyes?
bt oh well
its a show
but thinking of it..
maybe we're really destroying the earth too much..
then me tiong wei and baohui went to boon keng to collect tiongwei's microsoft office 07
we din noe how to get there
so we took cab from centrepoint shopping mall
crazy sia..
the extra charges..
$5 plus lor..
add to the fare..
can jump out of skin ler..
oh..and we took neoprints too...
then we went to take bus 21 home
a long one though..
1 hr journey
and baohui and tiong wei just had to sleep again!
piggie pigs =D
xiao zhu
and da zhu
enjoy the neoprint fotos (:

The happening trailer
i wonder when will be the next F.F outing..
Labels: F.F outings
Thursday, June 26, 2008
9:28 PM
JCTS over! =D
tml get back chem
y vina mark so fast!
dun like it =(
today i have one word for my exams
anyone fancy some 'F's?
the one subject that was most probably gna get me a C at least..
turned out..
to be an F in disguise!
upon 60...16 marks flyyyyy le
best of all
again, i cant do binomial theorem ><
its just soooo wierd
binomial supposed to be very easy la..
then give me one fraction term and i seh
this shd nt be happening..
after exam
saw mr chee
PAE teacher
he ask me how was it? die?
i said..1 word. DIE
at least i spot a mistake in the question paper
probably my biggest accomplishment for physics exam
spotting a mistake in the graph they gave
they shd give marks for spotting errors in exams
yea..they shd (:
its over!
and lets just wait for results
so today..
me,daniel,sze how, grace and sara studied during the 3 hr break tgt at library
almost tio chased out by the libarian
bt nvr in e end..
then after exams..
went with daniel to meet tiong wei and baobao at bao's hse
we watched Zenit VS Rangers Uefa Cup Finals
and we played Sims 2
the game seriously gt problem..
when the girl is bathing..
why in the world did the guy go in just like that?
abit retarded the game system
then we laughing like mad la..
then we played abit of mahjong
and as usual..
i din understand it..
went home for dinnnner
tonite gt Russia VS Spain
go russians!
win it man
2.35 am
so slpin earlier tonite
to wake up
to watch
tml go sch collect chem le..
go thru corrections
then meeting F.F to watch movies at Orchard Cineleisure
We watching the Happenings
F.F outings again =P
gna be so fun
then cell!
cant wait to play soccer and badminton again without JCTS in my brain man
tats abt it
g'night =)
playing cabal at 1am =D
Labels: OVER
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
thank you (:
10:39 PM
Day 2 of jcts is over le
left 1 mre day =P
today had econs and chinese test
chinese was first
din noe it was in the aircon hall
3 hrs in there..
abit cold
plus feel like slppppin
heng managed to finish though
i finished it too man..
but nt sure if can pass nt..
question 3..
3 a like dunno wat to write..
and i rmb-ed after the test i forgot to define PED,YED and XED
wasted 3 marks
bt still
must thank God for at least letting me complete the paper
its probably my first time i complete and econs exam
8am to 9.50am..
i hope my 1 day of practise is gna be enuff..
like i mean..its actually nt enuff..
bt just hope secondary school de speed of calculation will buy me mre time ba..
i'm just aiming for a c...
then physics H1 from 1 to 3
3 hr break in between ar
gna do phy during tat tyme
F.F reunites
me and daniel goin to bao hse to play games
while bao and tw studieee maths
go F.F
last day for me and daniel
second last for bao,tw,bo
then friday
movies and F.F and cell!
cant wait for tml lurhx
get over and done with it
jcts are insane
came across this interesting article about Astronomers getting closer to finding Earth's Twin
its abt how astronomers use new technology
and they can see so far..
that they have found 3 super earths in the past week
and now..
they say its a matter of time beofre they find another earht somewhr in our universe
that can support human life
or already support other form of life..
for more info if u're interested..
click on the link.. another interesting article on yahoo
Top 10 unexplained phenomena
10) The Body/Mind Connection
Medical science is only beginning to understand the ways in which the mind influences the body. The placebo effect, for example, demonstrates that people can at times cause a relief in medical symptons or suffering by believing the cures to be effective - whether they actually are or not. Using processes only poorly understood, the body's ability to heal itself is far more amazing than anything modern medicine could create.
9) Psychic powers and ESP
Psychic powers and extra-sensory perception (ESP) rank among the top ten unexplained phenomena if for no other reason than that belief in them is so widespread. Many people believe that intuition (see #3) is a form of psychic power, a way of accessing arcane or special knowledge about the world or the future. Researchers have tested people who claim to have psychic powers, though the results under controlled scientific conditions have so far been negative or ambiguous. Some have argued that psychic powers cannot be tested, or for some reason diminish in the presence of skeptics or scientists. If this is true, science will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of psychic powers
8) Near Death Experiences and Life After Death
People who were once near death have sometimes reported various mystical experiences (such as going into a tunnel and emerging in a light, being reunited with loved ones, a sense of peace, etc.) that may suggest an existence beyond the grave. While such experiences are profound, no one has returned with proof or verifiable information from "beyond the grave." Skeptics suggest that the experiences are explainable as natural and predictable hallucinations of a traumatized brain, yet there is no way to know with certainty what causes near-death experiences, or if they truly are visions of "the other side."
7) UFOs
There is no doubt that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) exist - many people see things in the skies that they cannot identify, ranging from aircraft to meteors. Whether or not any of those objects and lights are alien spacecraft is another matter entirely; given the fantastic distances and effort involved in just getting to Earth from across the universe, such a scenario seems unlikely. Still, while careful investigation has revealed known causes for most sighting reports, some UFO incidents will always remain unexplained.
6) Deja Vu
Deja vu is a French phrase meaning 'already seen,' referring to the distinct, puzzling, and mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific set of circumstances before. A woman might walk into a building, for example, in a foreign country she'd never visited, and sense that the setting is eerily and intimately familiar. Some attribute deja vu to psychic experiences or unbidden glimpses of previous lives. As with intuition (see #3), research into ,human psychology can offer more naturalistic explanations, but ultimately the cause and nature of the phenomenon itself remains a mystery.
5) Ghosts
From the Shakespeare play "MacBeth" to the NBC show "Medium," spirits of the dead have long made an appearance in our culture and folklore. Many people have reported seeing apparitions of both shadowy strangers and departed loved ones. Though definitive proof for the existence of ghosts remains elusive, sincere eyewitnesses continue to report seeing, photographing, and even communicating with ghosts. Ghost investigators hope to one day prove that the dead can contact the living, providing a final answer to the mystery.
4) Mysterious Disappearances
People disappear for various reasons. Most are runaways, some succumb to accident, a few are abducted or killed, but most are eventually found. Not so with the truly mysterious disappearances. From the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, and Natalee Holloway, some people seem to have vanished without a trace. When missing persons are found, it is always through police work, confession, or accident never by 'psychic detectives'). But when the evidence is lacking and leads are lost, even police and forensic science can't always solve the crime.
3) Intuition
Whether we call it gut feelings, a 'sixth sense,' or something else, we have all experienced intuition at one time or another. Of course, gut feelings are often wrong (how many times during aircraft turbulence have you been sure your plane was going down?), but they do seem to be right much of the time. Psychologists note that people subconsciously pick up information about the world around us, leading us to seemingly sense or know information without knowing exactly how or why we know it. But cases of intuition are difficult to prove or study, and psychology may only be part of the answer.
2) Bigfoot
For decades, large, hairy, manlike beasts called Bigfoot have occasionally been reported by eyewitnesses across America. Despite the thousands of Bigfoot that must exist for a breeding population, not a single body has been found. Not one has been killed by a hunter, struck dead by a speeding car, or even died of natural causes. In the absence of hard evidence like teeth or bones, support comes down to eyewitness sightings and ambiguous photos and films. Since it is logically impossible to prove a universal negative, science will never be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster do not exist, and it is possible that these mysterious beasts lurk far from prying eyes.
1) The Taos Hum
Some residents and visitors in the small city of Taos, New Mexico, have for years been annoyed and puzzled by a mysterious and faint low-frequency hum in the desert air. Oddly, only about 2 percent of Taos residents report hearing the sound. Some believe it is caused by unusual acoustics; others suspect mass hysteria or some secret, sinister purpose. Whether described as a whir, hum, or buzz and whether psychological, natural, or supernatural no one has yet been able to locate the sound's origin.
Kinda interesting huh
but i more interested in the astronomer stuffs
and ICE has been discovered on MARS
recently confirmed after 8 days i think
they studied 8 days of photos of the same spot
and realised the mystery white substance melted
so must be ice
ice on mars
now they say that the whole mars is a layer of ice
so i guess this is end of post le ba
end of with this song from Hillsongs
Second Chance
we're gna sing it for worship in august if i din rmb wrongly as part of a new song to teach the congregation
its very nice and meaningful lyrics
g'night then (:
and i dont know what i can do.
Labels: thank you
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
F.F - 2 muggs together
10:11 PM
abit high b4 econs tml
cuz i'm gna be dead sure i'm gna fail!
today baobao and tiongwei supposed to go run to my hse
then we go have bfast
and take bus back to baobao hse
bt then..
as expected
one of them was nvr gna wake up for it
this time..
its tiongwei
apparently..just as baobao was abt to leave hse..
tiong wei call say he want slp somemore
i knew it man
heng i nvr agree to run with them
otherwise i be wasting my wonderful sleeep
reached baobao she at ard 10am
and had my bfast there
bot mac up
and baobao was still slpin =.=
then tiong wei came..
and we watched some HBO show till 12pm
funny show
abt some prison thing
bt nt prison break
then its just hilariously funny
then her auntie cook instant mee for us to eat
before we started mugggggggin
baobao and tiongwei studied geog
i studied econs
finished it by 5.30
bt now..
i dunno tml still cna write it out nt
praying hard God helps me tml
whether it is to pass or fail my exam
at least i know He's with me (:
chinese tml oso
aiming for a C or B
shd get B though...i hope
then tml must chiong maths and physics
then thurs..
gna slack like mad
before i do pw research on fri morn
go sch colelct chem results and corrections
then meet F.F for outings! =D
gna go with tw to get his Office 07 first
then F.F gna watch movie =D
then go for cell
and ohoh
thurs nite watch EURO =D
cant wait for tml exams to over
cant wait for thurs to come
cant wait for physics to end =D
end of with this song
very long no post song ler..
Why Cant I by Liz Phair
Get a load of me, get a load of you
Walkin' down the street, and I hardly know you
It's just like we were meant to be
Holding hands with you when we're out at night
Got a girlfriend, you say it isn't right
And I've got someone waiting too
What if this is just the beginning
We're already wet, and we're gonna go swimming
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about youWhy can't I speak whenever I talk about youIt's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Isn't this the best part of breakin' up
Finding someone else you can't get enough of
Someone who wants to be with you too
It's an itch we know we are gonna scratch
Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch
But wouldn't it be beautiful
Here we go, we're at the beginning
We haven't yet, but my heads spinning
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
High enough for you to make me wonder
Where it's goin'
High enough for you to pull me under
Somethin's growin'
out of this that we can control
Baby I am dyin'
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
g'nights ppl
and yes, smiles dont lie again
Labels: F.F minus 2 muggs
smiles dont lie (:
12:36 AM
today is day 1 of JCTs
hope F.F did okay yea =D
chem was kinda okay for me i guess..
despite only finishing 50% of chem mock exam during holidays..
in the same amt of time of 2 hr 45 mins..
today i finished 90%
bt then..
whether i get half of it correct
is another story all together =S
GP was crazieee
i tink i write wrong essay ler
wrong choice =X
i write on question 12..
Relationships are becoming more superficial today. Discuss.
i wrote abt family, friends, and boy-girl relationships
but as all was smooth sailing..
i cldnt force out more then 1 OV
in e end i use amazing race as my second OV
which is pure crap
then compre..
i fell asleep for 15 mins =.=
heng i finished
GP is in the balance =X
tml goin to baobao she study econs
hse upstairs renovation too noisy ler
cant study
tats it for today i guess
maybe a soccer news again =D
ronaldo to real madrid 100 million
REAL SELLING 6 PLAYERS including SNJEIDER,RAMOS,VAN NISTELROOY,and 3 youths players DE LA RED,GRENARO,and another crap
i wun mind 50 million euros plus snjeider + ramos for ronaldo though..
then use the money buy benzema or huntelaar or santa cruz if cheap
then still gt excess..
can buy CB cover..
ronaldo, man u wun die w/o u
but real madrid will die with you...
they're already so in debt and man u will just be so happy to see real bankrupt sooner or later
nites le
and yup, smiles dont lie =D
Labels: smiles dont lie
Sunday, June 22, 2008
BLEAHX. enters nightmares tml, gets out hopefully alive on thurs =X
10:17 PM
trying to get as much health potions as possible for tmls battle with the deadly Elder troglos!
first up is chemistry
if i pass, i tell u..its gna be a miracle
dun even think i cna finish half the paper in the time slot
teachers say spend 45 mins on mcq as its gna be tough
i think mcq is my only safest bet
and i gna spend abit mre time
then GP!
my other safest bet for a pass compared to other nonsensical subjects
then tues go bao hse study econs
hse upstairs renovation
how to study?
wed econs and chi
econs mati
thurs maths and phy
shd be okay
maths my other best bet for a pass
phy..hur hur..
then EURO 08 semis 2 here i comeeeeeeee
hope its russia vs spain
so today...
tw din come again
cuz he wanted to study
and during sermon..
man..i can say 100% went into my ears, and 100% went out
one of those days whr nth goes thru in the morning
purely agreeing to uncle steven's message..with my frequent sleepy nods ><
sorry! =X
then had poiema
we prac our dance today
only 4 guys dancing ar..
the rest all gals
then went down to buy lunch for youth with alvin
i still rmb orders
Deqi,James,Jonathan,Daniel - Hokkien mee
Sarah,Ariel,Benita,Me - Wan Ton Mee
Jocelyn,Rachel,Yan Jun - Cutlet salad rice
i'm gooooood
then studied with rachel chem till 4.45pm
then i went to play badminton with them..
and Godpa Barry then sent me home
i gna slp now
exams tml
and wish me blessings from God =D
Labels: nightmares starting
Saturday, June 21, 2008
mugging sessions
2:13 AM
yesterday and today went to baobao hse to study with F.F
it was quite gd on thurs
did alot of chem i would say
but today..
chem practise paper was outrageous
i dont even think i can finish half the paper during exams la
and half sure wrong
*bangs head*
smth's obviously wrong
then went to sarah's hse for masterlife
was there much earlier then the rest
since i came from baobao hse
which is quite near
studied some chem there
before deqi and the rest came
was pretty tired during cell though..
cldnt concentrate today
kept shutting down my brain
then Godpa came to pick me up
and we went to pick up tw
who's stayin over today
we then played cabal
cuz tw wanted to
but cld find some things
so sarah helped by being our guide
though she cld nt kill the monster for us cuz her lvl too high
tml is muggin day agian
*cross fingers*
btr finish chem papers!!
and try maths too
still undecided over whether or nt to play badminton on sun
gna slp now
its pretty lateee
and i'm tired
Labels: muggin sessions
Thursday, June 19, 2008
facades of life
12:04 AM
tiong wei and baohui came to study yesterday
we studied till quite late
and then they stayed over too
i watched euro 08 on internet with tw
watched italy vs france
slept while watching
tw woke me up at half time
and i went out of room
to see our mei mei slpin on the couch
with her notes all over her face
then i was feeling tired too
so i slept on the other couch
while er ge decided to play his FM 07
i slept at 3.45am
while mei mei slept at dunno when
er ge slept at 6am
no wonder ard 6 plus i felt smth damn heavy on my leg
cuz er ge was slpin ont he floor
and practising his martial arts
his legs practically flew up onto my couch =(
and rested it nicely on my legs
and need i say agian?
the two pigs are impossible to wake
er ge and mei mei just cannot be woken
i woke at 8.30
and slacked ard till 11
before going down to buy duck noodles for my mum and some gorceries
those 2 pigs would just nt wake up
wanted to try some suggestions that sarah tickling their feets or pouring cold water..
but decided it was too evil
i'll just let them slp
they evantually woke at like..
mei mei woke up earlier..
when i gt home from amrket
bt its still late!
the sun must have roasted them already
then we continue abit of studiing
yest and today like only do chem bonding
die liao la
tml going mei mei hse study
i wonder if i'll finish chem bonding tys plus read thrua gain gases,atomic structure and chem kinetics tml
i'm starting to worry =S
someone give me 48 hrs a day
please, and thank you
otherwise, i have 1 phrase for my JCTs
to heck with it =S
tats abt it
tml full day at mei mei hse muggin
i hope
pls, keep ur PlayStation and laptop and TVB dramas and what not
*cross fingers*
oh..and mei mei msg say her fren father gt lukemia and need blood AB urgently..
just dont understand y its always AB....
Pray that God provides the neccessary donors fast enough..
it's always after u experience the loss, then u understnad the seriousness of everything..
Labels: facades of life
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
F.F-2 stays over..
12:36 AM
quite late a post..
just finished cabal-ing
today been a long day of muggin
tiong wei and baohui came over to mugg
then mug till now still muggin
since like 1pm
i dunno wat to say
they wanna mug till tml morn
i rather euro 08 or chat till tml morn
and they were so naughty la..
tried to impersonate me online =(
and then started spamming someone..
oso dunno wat they type..
er ge and mei mei so childish ar..
if they ever go and slp..
i quite look forward to splashing water on their face tml =D
after all
it requires skill and a couple of other factors to wake these two pigs up
xiao zhu!
i gna cont' studiin
just so hope i gt to slp tonite...
Labels: F.F - 2 stays over..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
its time to mug now
10:24 AM
came online for awhile
to check euro 08 scores
and see who's online
so germany and croatia join portugal and the turks into the quarter finals of the competition
germany beat austria 1-0 after a ballack goal on 49 mins
while croatia beat poland 1-0 thru an ivan klasnic goal
portugal had lost to the swiss 2-0 yesterday while the turks completed a mangnificent comeback to register a 3-2 win over czech, scoring 3 times in the last 20 mins i tink to secure a famous victory
man u de news..
man u start the 08-09 EPL season with a home game against NEWCASTLE (Gary be again =D)
and ends of with a away game to stoke city
a hectic first few games
with several top clubs lined up
this yr, doesnt seem easy
chelsea and liverpool on sept 13 and 20
but the interesting thing is that each season, the top 4 club that faces man u the latest often are man u title's challengers
this season, man u face ARSENAL on May 16
the second last fixture of the calender
thus..i say arsenal will be man u title challengers nxt season
bt it doesnt really matter
man u is gna retain their title
grandparents coming again later
wonder if F.F is gna come to study at my hse today..
today gna finsih chem bonding (FOR SURE..)
and chem equilibrium (FOR SURE)
and go thru atomic structure (I HOPE)
then do some functions questions..
then tonite cabal..
gt this cool discounts from Marigold to watch movies at Cathay
like gt discounts..
wonder who wanna watch Prince Caspian / Kong Fu Panda..
pm me if u wanna go
bye internet world
hi notes
Labels: mugg....
2:03 AM
so i finally started cabal
today play from 11 to 12 with sarah helping me
lvled up to lvl 4
still nt high..
bt ok i guess
still nt used to the controls
bt guess a few mre times and i'll be fine
and thanks for the items yea =D
tml i tink i nt gna on my com
i cannot
must mug finish chem
nth gna get done!
the fotos set 1 is done for camp
gna slp now
bub byes =D
Labels: cabal
60 things most girls dont know
1:37 AM
saw this on imeem
one of teh tags
and found it quite interesting
i tink most guys probably do all this subconsciously..
totally lifted it from imeem
was lazy to censor some words..
60 things most girls dont know
Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them!
(oh're not "popular" if you've slept with more than 6're a HOE)
--"Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.
--Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
--Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're gonna say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.
--Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
--Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.
--Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're goin for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.
--A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
--Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.
--Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.
--Guys get jealous easily.
--Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.
--Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
--Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
--Guys hate asking parents for money to buy girls presents. So they come up with ideas like saving their lunch money for a week. But it never works because guys are always hungry so they end up asking the parents for money anyway.
--Girls are guys' weaknesses.
--Guys are very open about themselves.
--It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long.
--Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
--If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
--A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
--Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
--Guys will brag about anything.
--Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful.If a guy uses that, he likes you a whole hell of a lot.
--No matter how much guys talk about asses and boobs, personality is key.
--Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.
--Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.
--Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
--Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.
--Any guy could write out a rulebook or advice book for flirting, but no guy can write out a book about relationships.
--Try to be as straightforward as possible.
--If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
--If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.
--When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.
--When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."
--Guys don't really have final decisions.
--If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
--If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.
--When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.
--When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
--Guys like femininity not feebleness.
--Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.
--A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
--Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
--Everything in moderation. Put on makeup, wear perfume. Just not too much.
--Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.
--Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.
--If you are going to reject a guy, just do it. Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you.
--Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
--A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
--No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.
--Not all guys are assholes. Just because ONE is a jackass doesnt mean he represents ALL of us.
--We don't like girls who are too skinny.
--We love it when girls talk about there boobs.
--Always make sure you know what kind of stuff your getting into before making out with a guy wheather it's a one time deal or not ....
--Believe it or not shy guys are the most easiest to talk may not seem right but trust me they will start opening up like books after you just ask them questions about their lives and unoticable tell them about yours...
--When a guy hits your butt it means that he wants you sexually
--Even if they refuse it all guys are ticklish on the ribs..
--Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts...
--Guys will test the waters to see how far they can get with you. Even if he doesn't intend to it will happen. Know how far it is you want to let him go and he will respect that...after you let him know a couple times.
--When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
---Girls, if u don't repost this within 1 hr then you will lose the guy of your life
---Guys if you don't repost this in one hr then you will lose the girl of your life.
post this as:
60 things most girls dont know
4.then paste this to another video's..if you gonna do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday!!!..
but if you read this and do not paste this then you will have very bad luck and ur dad will lose his job...
be fast!!!...
Labels: 60 things most girls dont know
Monday, June 16, 2008
mugging monday
8:58 PM
today mugged
wanted to finish chem
bt tink tats nt possible now
feeling worried
must must finsih chem by tml ar
grandparents came over today
chem bonding notes so thickkkkkk
so many format to rmb
installed cabal today
my anti virus said worms and trojan 32.dll were detected in the program
i tried moving it to virus chest..
bt if i did that..
it cant be installed
so i decided to trust asiasoft
and allow it to run in my com
when i launched game
this application was launched too, using 32.dll system
the application is called X-Trap_Game_Security_Pinky_2008
i think its to stop ppl from hacking..
so smth like a moderator..
bt i dun understand the use of malicious worms..
just hope it doesnt affect my system =S
played cabal for 1 hr
kinda lost
was roaming ard
until i figured out how to kill the monsters like..30 mins into the game
and i earned i think 500 exp..
and gained several items
bt dunno if its gd..
1 battle suit..
and a couple of other dunno what stuffs
gna cont' my chem till 10
saw this on baobao blog..
and gna do it...
1. At what age will I travel with my friends?
travelled already (: secondary school camps, church camps =D !
2. How many children do you want?
1 girl 1 boy (so it will be equal..)
3. What do i want most now?
Dreams to come truee..Fantastic Five to stay together always, even after having our own families =D
4. What do you wanna be when you grow up?
5. If you have 1 more dream to come true, what will it be?
For dreams to be forever truee (:
6. What are you afraid to lose now?
someone i guess...
7. Do you believe in forever love?
i still do (:
8. If you meet someone you love, will you confess to him/her?
i want to..
9. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
To have a heart after God's heart, then mine. (:
10. What kind of people you hate most?
erm..i dun really noe.. =S
11. Who is important to you right now?
12. Have you ever tell your teacher to minus marks when the teacher marked wrongly?
yep! tats y teachers always give me mre marks, cuz i'm honest to return them! =D
13. Do you find it necessary to be knowledgeable?
it depends on which aspect of knowledge..
14. What do you want your friends to be like?
crazy, there for me, smile always
15. What kinda friend do you hope to be in your friends’ eyes?
someone they can talk to and always there for them too (:
16. If you’re feeling low 1 day, who would you go to?
usually keep to myself first, before turning to God, then talk to my close frenz..
17. Who is the last person to send you an sms that you replied?
Uncle Steven, last night
18. Who was the last person who called?
Tiong Wei! (he called me to wake me up at 3pm..but i din wake up despite him calling over 20 times.. =S )
19. Why do you love yourself?
cause God made me?
20. where you want to celebrate ur birthday?
i always dream of celebrating birthdays, celebrating anniversaries and special moments with my loved ones under the magnificent and magical display of fireworks in Disneyland. Ever since my holiday in Hong Kong 3 years ago, i made that promise to myself =D someday, i will.
baobao said she wun be evil by taggin ppl
bt i shall be evil
1. TiongWei
2.Baobao (do it agian =P, ur san ge is evil)
its now 9.35pm
btr start chem again ><
shd finish memorizing all the 13 different kinds of structures including no.of bond pairs,lone pairs, actual shape, bond angle, polarity, and the way to draw in 30 mins
prepare for madness
press on ar!
abit high
gna change blog song later
and i wonder if my blog skin is old..
shall end here..
blog song shall be changed after chem is done =S
and i missed u alotLabels: mugging monday
Sunday, June 15, 2008
11:00 PM
today is sunday
go church!
mum was tired..
so she stayed home..
me and sis took cab to church
on e way there
jonny called
say he gna be lateeeee
cuz he overslept
so i took over his duties
after service, the youth took a photo with uncle steven!
so funny lurhs
then went over to CC for poiema
which uncle tony spent abit of time teaching us how to do the church website
then rachel show us the item for youth day
and i gt all the guys help me keep logistics stuffs
then went for lunch!
cuz we tot gate gna close le
so da boys went down to buy lunch
so i went to get hokkien mee for me, sarah and ariel..
the rest of them had chicken cutlet salad..
and cuz the hokkien mee was taking a while..
so they went up first..
then it was badminton!
played best of 3 games with daniel and james and jonathan
which me and daniel won 21-15, 21-13
then rest awhile
before playing with sarah,ariel and charmaine for ard 20 mins..
before playing with sarah for the rest of the time till almost 5.30pm
keep it up! haha..u're improving =D
then went home..
and was too tired to continue with my pw research
looks like i have to get alot of slp tonite
study finish chem bonding and chem equilibrium and if possible go thru chem kinetics again
then chem shd be almost done..
just read thru gases..and atomic structure..
the way to answer =S
then tues and wed econs..
thurs do chem tys..
fri do econs revision package..
sat do chem practise papers..
sun play badminton..
monday take chem and econs test..
bubbye chem and econs..
tues study GP and maths....
wed take GP and chinese test and study maths....
thurs take maths and phy test..
gna try cabal out..
*cross fingers* no addiction...
come to think of it
it gna be over soooon
tats abt it for today
nites ppl! =D
i cant make it any more obvious. how about you?Labels: i cant stop myself from falling deeper...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
11:27 PM
Met baobao and er ge for bfast at tmall mac
sorry baobao and er ge..
make u all come from ngee ann de mac to tmall de
cuz i carry alot of bags
and din wan to go so far
and thx for the bfast treat
then went to find uncle steven
whr he sent me to church
din wanna carry those bags up the hill to church
watch 2 horror movies while waiting for camp com to come
Silk and Dating Death
quite nice movies
i like the ending of both shows
cuz despite being a horror movie
it ended up with a general theme for the movie
which was to show the rekindling of friendship in the case of Dating Death, and showed the importance and how family ties nvr seem to be able to be broken in the show Silk
and both endings were gd endings for the gd ppl/things
then camp com came..
and we started out planning
had dinner with meng hwee
as sarah had to go for concert
and rizvan left to go to meet his frenz
and wei jie and liang jie went home
camp starts officially
we had a good start i think
and we played some games which were fun
then sat down with nightwalk com to discuss the clues
and was faced with several problems..
such as miscommunications with the sch and uncle hassan over usage of sch facilites
though i tink its more of a miscommunication between the sch and uncle hassan
nightwalk was ok
though i must say the sch lookes freaky at nite
plus the props i had placed..
which included a pair of seveered legs, and a head with light glowing thru it propped up on a ladder
managed to scare a few ppl
as the time flew by
it was soon 11.45pm..
and the sch lights started dimming on its own..
so wei jie and liang jie came to find me..
and we talked abit..
before i went back to make hot water..
day 1 then ended..
had food trail
quite interesting
but expensive food too
took this foto with sarah while experimenting this new seafood (:

it was quite nice
and tasted btr with the chilli
then we went to changi beach
and started our games there
which included..
i believe..
an hour and a half of running
we then had our BBQ
which was awesome
went back to church
with uncle steven to help him unload
the logistics
then went for early shower
came back to set up items for movie marathon
and then we decided to screen Shutter
another horror movie
played twister with sarah,ariel,rizvan, and meng hwee
bt din noe wat it was abt as it was my first time playing
gt tangled up pretty soon
then watched mr bean movie
and fell alsleep when the turkey exploded
awoke to rizvan call an hr alter at 4.10am
when they came back from watching euro 2008
sorry guys
missed ur calls for 20 mins
then fell back to slp again
and woke up when deqi woke me up
to open gate for charmaine
so she can go airport
was pretty stone
and din noe wat was going on
took me a while to understand what deqi said to me..
which door for charmaine ><
and i went door
close door
and left
truth was
i din even noe much abt opening the door for her..
i juz knew i had to open door
bt wasnt really aware of who to open it for..
then slept till 11
and went to buy lunch
had lunch
had area cleaning
of which i found a decomposing lizard
before playing out last game polar bear
had mass cam com debrief
before clearing a few mre things
then meeting tiong wei to go home
and then thats end of camp
bt b4 tat
rmbed smth
must tell F.F grp..
i understand wat u all went thru when er ge stayed over le
he kicked me alot lor!
at nite
when slpin
to a point whr he came over to half of my mattress ><
poor me
er ge ar..
slps just like my sis
camp was fun
will upload more pics in time to come
i gna slp now
tml nt playing soccer
match at 5.15
too late
and too far
so i decided nt to go
hence i gna play badminton
miss playing badminton
nites ppl!
Labels: camp
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
piggy pigs =D
11:41 PM
Tiong Wei and Baobao are FORGIVEN =D
last nite ard 2am
baobao say want study tgt
so me n tw agreed to go her hse the nxt morn to study
and poor me was tasked with doing the impossible
waking tiong wei up =/
i called him
for the first time
i gt thru on my first attempt
according to him
he went to bath
but soon after
he slept again!
so i msged baobao
and she too wanted to slp somemore
being a gooood san di, i let them slp somemore
so i had bfast at the market
and then read TIMES at baobao hse downstairs
read till 11
decided i waited enuff
so went up to baobao hse
with me already very sure tw ps me =(
relieved when baobao opened door for me
only to be shocked to see she went back to slp after doing so
decided to use her laptop
and did my phy homework and pw research
then left without even saying bye =D
it was seriously a case of two pigs who cant wake up!
bt they're forgiven now =P
though i would have loved to see them sleep earleir next time =/
then went to sarah's hse..put bag..before goin with her to meet wei jie to buy camp stuffs
we bot so many things
but i shall be careful nt to divuldge anything here
otherwise it'll spoil teh fun
reached home at ard 6.30pm
to see ian running ard the hse
auntie liping came later
and had dinner
before bringing ian home
tommorrow i be in CAMP le
till sat
cant wait
tml 7.15am bfast appointment with er ge (tiong wei) and meimei (baobao aka baohui)
then meet uncle steven..
hitch a ride from him to church
i'm like carrying 4 bags of things tml
cuz i'm bringing some stuffs for my sis too =/
nites then
nite to internet too
and my computer
they're missed!
Labels: piggy pigs in F.F family
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sunday's Soccer, Monday's Muggers
11:45 PM
suppose to wake up at 10 last nite watch 4 hrs of soccer
end up slept 10 hrs to wake up at 4..and continue slp till 7..ZzZ
nvr watch =(
went to church
service was good
liked the sermon
powerful message
and interesting too
had lunch with uncle steven
bot him lunch this time
we were rushing to go for soccer match
then passed my badminton rackets to auntie gwen who then passed it to the youths as sarah said they needed it
we were almost late for e match
bt thankfully..
we were in time
at Kent Ridge Sec
the ref shocked me at first
i tot he was a road sweeper at first
then i realised he was our ref
but he was limping
and looked anything but young
i knew this match then..
was going to be fiery
because such a ref..cannot stamp authority
i started at right back..
with torrence,thaddeus and shao in defence too
quite a fast paced match
the opponent were speedier then us
and i tink i am improving..
bt nt enuff yet..
today finally head the ball away
i nvr liked to use my head
bt today i did!
now must learn to tackle from behind
nvr liked to do that
feared injuring the other party
bt i guess..
i have to now.. =/
we then conceeded a goal before half time
they split our defence with a splitting pass
and their first shot hit our post
but the rebound was going to go in anyways
uncle steven had no chance..
came off after first half
was kinda glad too
as i watched the second half unfold
the ref was real slow
taking long time to decide throw ins/ corners..
he nvr went out of the centre circle
and the opponents scolded him
hence two of their players were booked for dissent
bt seriously he shd nt be a ref
then the nasty tackles started coming in
and every 10 mins..
a fight threatened to boil over
bt thank God we were quite restrained
but our opponents werent as cool as us
the match ended 1-1
and it was a good run out
uncle steven sent me to tampines de one of de bus stop
before i took a bus home
did some pw research
still typing magazines articles =/
Had camp meeting online in the morning
supp to start at 10
bt many overslept i believe
and sarah had to go grocery shopping with auntie gwen
so we postphoned meeting
to 11.30
still many werent online
so me, sarah, liang jie and wei jie started meeting
was until 1.30pm..
so sorry F.F
esp baobao
me and tw stood u up again for awhile..
went to meet F.F -2 at CA T3
F.F -2 cuz only me,tiong wei and baobao were there
faith jie came to join us..
and it became F.F-2 + 1
had lunch..
which was yang zhou cao fan..
then soon..
daniel and da sao came
so we change to a bigger table
then contents of what happen shall be kept between the walls of F.F
then had dinner
and i treated F.F to carrot cake
then we went to buy soya bean drink from Mr Bean
I bot pearly Soya Bean
Baobao bot Papaya Soya Bean which was quite nice
Daniel bot honeydew soya bean which i nvr tried
and Tiong Wei bot Chendol soya bean.
I kept his for the last to say because..
it was seriously not nice!
i'm nvr a fan of chendol
and add it to soya
and u make soya bean taste bad!
nvr ever buy soya chendol =/
we took only 1 foto in the bus today
and another of us drinking our soyas!
published below..
end off with this song =)

Labels: Sunday Soccer Monday Muggers
Saturday, June 7, 2008
8:30 PM
did physics help package todae (:
and went out to tampines to look at handphone deals with mummy
tio scammed by newspaper
no wonder
we tot y SE G900 so cheap..
$o with 21 months
like just released early this yr only
and is 5.0 megapixels cam..touchscreen..160MB in built memory..wi-fi viewer..and anything u want..they have..
then we tot..
go check lor
end up is the words they write under it just much smaller then normal..
waste my time =(
then went home cont' phy
today played audition
won another 50k dens
100k more and can buy that set of clothes
that baobao and er ge say is nice de..
i tink i gna slp le
cuz tonite is soccer time!
wake up at 10 watch spore uzbek
then swiss czech..
4 hrs till 2am
tml gt soccer match
at kent ridge
er ge u btr wake up in morn and go for church then go match with mii orh
dun reject my morning calls again..
bt then again
seeing how hard it was to even wake er ge up in person at baobao hse on fri..
i tink even calling no use one..
er ge slps lyk a pig!
end of with this song
baobao..i copy ur song again =/
but i dl the song ler
send u later at nite..
Title: I'll Remember You
Artist: No Secret
It has been so long since we have talked
I hope that things are still the same
hoping they will never change
cause what we had can't be replaced
don't let our memories fade away
keep me in your heart for alwaysYou made me believe
that I can do almost anything
stood right by me
through the tears through everything
I'll remember you,and baby that's forever trueyou're the one that I'll always missnever thought it would feel like thisI'll be there for you, no matter what you're goin' throughin my heart you'll always be, forever babyI'll remember youI promise you I won't forget the times we shared,
the tears we cried
You'll always be the sun in my skyIt may be fate that brings us back to meet again someday
Even though we go separate ways
You made me believe
that I can do almost anything
You stood right by me
through the tears through everything
I'll remember yooooou,and baby that's forever trueyou're the one that I'll always missnever thought it would feel like thisI'll be there for yooooou, no matter what your goin' throughin my heart you'll always be, forever babyI'll remember youIf the day should come when you need someone
(you know that i'll follow)
I will be there
Don't ever let there
be a doubt in your mind
'cause I'll remember you, you
I'll remember you,and baby that's forever trueyou're the one that I'll always missnever thought it would feel like thisI'll be there for you, no matter what your goin' throughin my heart you'll always be, forever babyI'll remember youForever baby, I'll remember you
cya soccer world later
be back at 10pm online!
maybe F.F chat too!!
for auntie chwee hoon
12:59 AM
hi auntie chwee hoon
this is my sis blog address: wants u to tagg her blog
i'll put it in my links column..
so u can view it easily!
and happy birthday to Lydia!
Disneyland must have been fun for her
hope to see you all soon (webcam!)
Labels: auntie chwee hoon
F.F studies together!
12:49 AM
June 5:
today went to baobao hse to study
all F.F members went
bt bo jun was late
and i left early
so either way..
it was still F.F - 1
baobao was late though
she was in shc..
so me and daniel went to tiong wei's hse
whr tiong wei and daniel played fm
and i slept
then went baobao hse
did abit of work
and played PS2..
then we went to buy bubble tea!
and took a foto..
then went for cell
cell was fun
though i certainly do wish for another cell outing..
then went home..
and slept
while F.F - 1 stayed over at baobao hse..
June 6
went to baobao hse early in morn
hope to wake them up to muggg
met jie jie evan along the way
she tot i was walking home
reached baobao hse at 10
they still slping
did some phy first
then played PS2 with daniel
before the rest slowly joined..
in this order..
bao hui, bo jun, tiong wei
wiong wei slept like a piggg!
slpt till 12 or 1 ar
but last nite they played 1 full round of mahjong till 4..
so cant blame i guess
then we had lunch
before daniel and bo jun went home
left me and tiong wei and bao bao
we studied
and palyed audition
thanks baobao!
help me earn 100 k dens..
union battle party!
from yesterday..
i only had 232K dens..
now gt 440k dens!
we studiing..

am tired..
F.F shall buy an apartment when we grow up and live tgt!
Labels: F.F studies tgt
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
(CCCCCCC) Chem Consulation and Camp Committee at Counselling Centre in Church
9:05 PM
today is a day full of 'Cs'
i din get my report book back
i havent taken my exams
though i be pretty happy to see all Cs in my report card for JCTs..
it be delightful..
its full of Cs today cuz i had Chem Consulation and Camp Committee meeting at Counselling Centre at Church.
all start with Cs..
vina msged me in morning..say she was gna be late for chem consulation cuz she forgot to bring her access pass..
but i was also late actually
so i was quite relieved
overslept u see..
to my amazement..
i seemed to understand everything i din noe abt chem equilibria
so i just asked her about tys questions
and it ended in 5 mins
was abt to leave sch
when i saw da ge!
if i havent said..
yesterday our F.F has adopted a family approach..
so daniel being the oldest is 'da ge'
then comes tiong wei who i have to call 'er ge'
then i m number 3!
so gd..
right smack in the centre =P
then bo jun is 'si di'
and baobao is meimei
so as i was saying..
i saw da ge having PW meeting with his teacher..
so i decided to wait for him
hoping to have lunch with him..
unless da sao had already booked him =/
thank goodness i din wait for nth
it was still early
so we had brunch
my goodness
what a heavy brunch it was
and unique too!
we had it at white sands..
and you must be wandering what it is..

it was jap cuisine!
at 11am
ok..nt very early
bt still considerably early =/
then i went home..
me and daniel wanted to go to bh hse earlier..
actually i go just to play mahjong / playstation..
cuz i had camp meeting at 3 in church..
decided nt to..
cuz i was runnin late..
sorry meimei! we nvr go today..
tml we will go de..
kaes? haha
bt tml morn i gt tuition at home..
so i'll meet all of u in the afternoon at ur hse kaes?
by ard 2..
the sky was getting dark..
at pasir ris..
and i decided to go to church..
asked sarah if she wanted to go tgt..
so we met at tamp mrt
she's super uber funny
at the mrt gate tap wallet..
but no ezlink card!
then we went to church..
and thank God the rain stopped
it was a cool breeze up the hill
thank God no sun!
camp meeting was goooooooood
the BB boys have great ideas!
and the camp is gna be real fun!
i cant wait man
sad sarah cant join for the nite games
bt oh wells
i tink the committee especially the boys are gna love everybit of it
uncle steven then sent me and meng hwee to tampines mrt..
to go home..
reach home..
then did a bit of PW..
and decided to stop cuz rebecca hasnt sent me the latest GPP..
needa follow it to research
so so..
as usual
june transfer window
man brings u the latest news on who's in and out.
1) Manchester United agree 5 million pounds fee with Cardiff City for 17 year old Welsh Left-sided winger Arron Ramsey. Arsenal, Liverpool and Everton are believed to have thrown in bids of the same value that Manchester United has offered, but Manchester United offer deeply interest Cardiff and hence, Manchester United is seen as Ramsey's future
2) Santa Cruz is the subject of a 15 million pund bid from Manchester United, as Fergie believes he would solve Manchester United's arial inabilities.
3) Veloso is a subject of a bid from AC Milan, and if the bid is accepted, Manchester United will go in with a similar bid, hoping that Manchester United ex-Portugese league Midfield trio of Ronaldo,Nani and Anderson will lure him to the Theartre of Dreams
4) Finally, we round up with what many fans want to hear. Ronaldo is believed to understand the severity of the threat given to him by the Glazers, where he would be made to play in the stands if he demanded a transfer out to Real Madrid. Hence, he is expected to stay on for another year, as his agent plots a move out in July 2009.
tml meng hwee's coming to give me maths tuition at home
its a free trial
so yea..
then going to meimei hse in afternoon
then go for cell at sarah's hse
dunno if i shd stay over at meimei hse tml with the rest of F.F..
end of with this song from Connie Talbot
Title: I'll always ♥ you...
If I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you ev'ry step of the wayAnd I will always love you
I will always love you
You, my darling you, hmmmm...
Bittersweet memories
That is all I'm taking with me
So, goodbye... please, don't cry
We both know I'm not what you, you need
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish to you, joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I, I will always love you
You, darling, I love you
Oooh, I'll always... I'll always love you
and nites ppl!
I'll always ♥ you...
Labels: I'll always ♥ you...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
F.F study outing!
11:14 PM
today morn had pw meeting
followed by phy consultation
then i went to changi airport
to meet daniel and baobao first for study outing =)
tw told us he was gna be late..
and bobo had smth on
so for the time being..
it was F.F-2! ):
then after lunch with daniel
which was my much missed taiwan porkchop rice which cost me $7.50 =/
missed the one in california
its so nice to eat it in winter
i guess i have to settle for 1/10 of its taste in spore..
we went to mac to study

so many books =)
we muggin!
then this kind staff from mac came to us and said..
hi guys! sorry to disturb!
this is a little smth for you
we were o.O
surprise surprise
it was a kind letter to chase all the students out
how nice
so we went to the T3 foodcourt
to study
until ard 6.30..
then we shared fried carrot cake and fried oysters
that is
by then
tiong wei had decided not to come
so it was just me,daniel,baobao
then i took a pic of the fountain..

then we decided to take a walk ard terminal 3
as baobao hasnt walked at T3 b4
so we accompanied her (:
took loads of fotos..
with this quite funny

baobao was hugging coffee club logo..
then daniel and baobao posing for a shot..

on e way home..
we took these fotos
from left: Baobao,Daniel,ME!

and US again!

it was sooo fun!
tml going to sch for chem consultation
and church for camp meeting
wonder if thurs i shd go to baobao hse with the rest of F.F grp to have intensive studiing and slp over...
wonder wonder
kinda agree that opportunities dont come along too often
and we'll have to take them this an opportunity?
life is short..
cherish it..
time is little...
shall end off with this quiz i found from baobao blog
quite interesting
If I were a month I would be: April! My birthday=P
If I were a day of the week I would be: Sunday!
If I were a time of day I would be: early morning when the sun rises from the west =P
If I were a planet I would be: Neptune. It has a nice, cool, calm blue!
If I were an animal I would be: Dolphin / Whales
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: Cupboard! to store any happy memories i have =)
If I were a historical figure I would be: i dont think i like history =/
If I were a liquid I would be: rain! the power of rain is that you get to travel ard the world!
If I were a tree I would be: Maple tree. It blooms beautifully each time spring comes around.
If I were a flower/plant I would be: Bright coloured flowers!
If I were a kind of weather I would be: Cloudy
If I were a musical instrument I would be: keyboard
If I were an emotion I would be: =)
If I were a color I would be: bright coloured!
If I were a fruit I would be: Orange!
If I were a sound I would be: whee!
If I were an element I would be: oxygen
If I were a car I would be: Rolls Royce
If I were a song I would be: Imagine Me Without You
If I were a movie I would be: Enchanted!
If I were a book I would be: Manchester United 07-08 season round up compilation
If I were a food I would be: cod fish!
If I were a place I would be: home!
If I were a number I would be: 7 (cristiano ronaldo)
If I were a word I would be: smile!
If I were an object I would be: computer
If I were a body part I would be: eyes! so i can still see =)
If I were a facial expression I would be: =)
and i'll add an additional rule
tag 3 ppl to do this quiz
i feel evil agian =P
tats abt it i guess
here's a song to end of..
Title: Imagine Me Without You
Artist: Jaci Velasquez
As long as stars shine down from heaven
And the rivers run into the sea
Till the end of time forever
You’re the only love I’ll need
In my life you’re all that mattersIn my eyes the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You’re the one that’s there for me
When I found you I was blessed
And I will
never leave you,
I need youChorus:
Imagine me without youI’d be lost and so confusedI wouldn’t last a day, I’d be afraidWithout you there to see me through
Imagine me without you
Lord, you know it’s just impossible
Because of you, it’s all brand new
My life is now worthwhile
I can’t imagine me without you
When you caught me I was falling
You’re love lifted me back on my feet
It was like you heard me calling
And you rush to set me free
When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you
When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you oh
I can’t imagine me without you
Labels: F.F is also my life
bullied by kids =(
12:27 AM
today is such a scary day
kids were nvr this horrible to me!
at least nt the agape kids..
starting to think our agape kids are a real bunch of well-behaved lot..
even though they get naughty at times..
these kids from family service centre are oh so!!!
but i managed to get thru it
thank God
met daniel for ya kun bfast in morning
had iced tea
then we met shu ying to go to FSC tgt
i felt like a big bright lightbulb ><
the first thing we did..
i tot terrence (P6 boy) maths
primary school maths..
yet another lvl
at least i cld solve
it seem to require a lot of thinking
i wonder if its too much for primary school kids
but i guess
they can =/
we then had soccer!
bt it was literally boring
the teachers asked me and daniel to teach them
so we explain the rules
they seemed to want to get on with the game
and what a game it was
my team was only interested in getting the ball for themselves
and fought among themselves
and they play ar..
the goalpost is the whole length of the field
and ask me be goalkeeper..
then ar..
they shoot like 20 metres away from me..
and say is goal
i m flattered
they think i am btr then petr cech
even cech cant do that
i must be a giraffe to dive that far -.-
badminton was equally nt fun
the wind so strong
i hit the ball forward..
the ball fly backwards
then they went back to bath
so we went to OUR room to slack
then wilfred the cook came
and said he might need our help later as he was teaching the kids how to cook spaggetti.
indeed they seemed lost
nvr seen people put tomato skin in the spaggetti
they took the toamto
cut into half
remove the jelly
everything seemed right
then they cut the skin off
we tot..ok..they dont like skin
bt they kept the skin and threw the rest away!!
and the way they hold the knife..
oh man!
so we went to white sands for lunch
whr we met daryl
he eats kfc chicken like..
he nvr eat for days!
typical daryl =P
then we went back..
they were napping
so soon we left for home
din want to stay for their study hour
we were bored.
and din want them to climb over us anymore
tml gna go for PW meeting
and oso meet F.F-1 for study!
F.F-1 cuz bobo nt coming..
will be left with me, daniel, tw, baobao
at changi airport! terminal 3!
it may have been obvious to him.but is it to you?alrites
its late
shall post pics tml
Labels: bullied
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Friday Grandpa Baptism + Sunday Dinner
10:56 PM
friday din go for ML..
like i said
so here are fotos of grandpa baptism
most of befriender cell came to support him
and the baptism pool at Renewal Church is certainly interesting
hidden behind the curtains
and unveiled when needed =)

This is my grandpa in blue receiving his certificate of baptism from the pastor. The pastor is married to a newscaster in channel 8...guess who it is.. (:

one of the aunties in church giving my grandfather a present. He's so happy! he hasnt smiled like this for a long time. God is Good!

Befriender Cell taking a photo with my grandfather
Today went for church
called tiong wei for 1 hour again
as usual he cant wake up
but this time he had a fever
rest well pal
sleep earlier..
dun play till wee hours in the morning ler..
then had poiema
we watched nooma
on Lump.
quite informative..
on how we cannot hide away from God
sometimes, i just wonder..why do we do that..He is everywhere..did we even think we stand a chance of getting away with what we have done?
then lunched with sarah and her dad uncle steven
after all..the boys were having some bass prac..
so i decided to follow them
then alvin came along with us too (:
played badminton later on
me and sarah were still kinda early..
like 1.45 only?
so sarah played with jena..
while i sat ard and watched them play
jena was sooo cute =P
then we decided to play first..
and played for quite long..
before deqi and joy came to join us fo a game..
then we took a short break..
then played with deqi against sarah and charmaine..
which we won..
then auntie yong yong ask me to play with the adults..
which i agreed to..
very long no play with them
me and uncle timothy was a team..
uncle tat Jin and Auntie yong yong team too...
then we lost the first set 26-24..second set we won 21-15..third set we lost 21-19
bt overall was kinda happy with it..
after all so long no play this competitive..
and i improved a little from last time..
cuz this time i cld catch uncle tat jin off guard at the same spot several times..
i noe whr to aim him already =P
his weak point
bt my weak points still alot..
so my weak point outweighs his weak points = no use =.=
then played again with james against daniel and sarah
then played 1 v 1 with sarah
just practising..
sry for making you run so much yea! =(
then went off hurriedly to meet my mum and sis at lavender
we walked to keypoint..opposite concourse
where we met my grandparents, my aunt, and my grandfather's twin brother (ah paun) and his wife (gu po)
our first dish..SOUP...dunno wat soup..certainly NOT shark fins...which i tot it realised it wasnt.. =/

second dish..(pls tilt your head 90 degrees..) was fried crayfish and chicken spring...balls? it doesnt look like a roll..its made of spring roll kind of skin..and has chicken in it..but its nt a its chicken spring ball.

grand pa, his twin bro and gu po taking a foto

the waitress giving out our must have yam paste..(in dialect: or ni)
its our fmaily fav..
and we nvr fail to have it when we come
today one abit sweet
but still nice

then went home
feeling tired
and faced with a load of PW.. =/
tml going to do CIP at family service centre near white sands with daniel and 'F.F de da sao' ( dun let daniel noe about this! hahahahah..shhh)
it be a whole long day =/
tues gt PW meeting and phy consultation
wed gt consultation for chem and camp meeting
thurs and fri hope is free to study
shall end here with this hilarious foto

it says..'Pasar Xiao Bao Chye' which means 'little idiot'.
if u're saying to urself it shd be small white vegetables, then go check it out..
at whitesands, they have two versions of this..
one is xiao bai cai, which means the little white veg..and another is the xiao bai chye..which means little idiot
bt both refer to same veg
which means they printed wrong..
and they sell little idiots!
at 65 cents per packet
chew on it man!
Labels: dinner