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Thursday, January 7, 2010
First post of 2010
12:23 AM


omg. its been 6 months since i last posted. a sudden impulse to reblog. haha
well..today's like a quick update?

1) A Levels were long gone! yes! 2 years of jc have come..and gone. like..zooooom.
2) Uncle Galvin and family (that includes my two lovely cousins!) came in june..and they left in july..miss them!
3) Pastor Ezekiel has left Poiema. Welcome Pastor Ya Hui!
4) Tiong Wei (Best friend) has been baptised 2 weeks ago! Amen!
5) First Cell outing was concluded at the end of last year =X (We took some time to settle huh!) Lets have a smashing great one at the start of this year =)
6) SAT test results were out 3 weeks ago! According to ratings, its not too bad!
7) NS is round the corner. That means the nation needs me (though they probably need computers more than human beings =X)
8) Finally..I'm still as crazy as I can be about Manchester United =D

I should really be getting to sleep..but FarmVille has connection issues that are yet to be resolved. RAWR

oh well..its a long day tml, and the day after. There's soccer at The Cage, Babysitting of my God brother, and Primary 6.1 outing to attend tml! and on friday, there's more babysitting, followed by church prep for sat events!

I guess my mini project will have to be on hold for a couple more days =X

Oh well..thats about it for my first post of 2010. I'll think through my new year resolutions for 2010 and see if I wanna post it up here =D


