Tuesday, March 30, 2010
12:31 PM
it hurts.
but it's a test of faith.
I'll get through this storm
And come out stronger.
He'll never leave me
And His promises I cling on to
I know His will will still be done.
Labels: renewal
Sunday, March 28, 2010
1 week in Thailand, 3 weeks in NS
5:57 PM
so fast..1 month has passed
Thailand mission trip has come..and gone. NS 3 weeks have passed
Serve graduation is this tuesday
mission trip was awesome
love to do a long post on it. but that will have to wait
booking in soon =X
well, not that rosy after all
all my hard effort at trying to restore my health over the past 2 years have been wiped out by the diet, fitness regime, and lifestyle in the army
yep, my gastric is back, and bad.
it kinda sucks.
sometimes people thinks i'm trying to 'chao keng'
bt the pain is really unbearable
so as long as i face up to my own conscience, i'm fine with it
2 weeks ago, i met the highest ranked officer in tekong for a medical review interview
he offered to put me out of training as he was concerned about my gastric issues
but i declined him then
reason was i wanted to ensure i have already tried my best to bear with the pain before i put up the white flag
i think now is the time
i've tried my best
i've seen and felt and experience the same pain that immobilized me for a couple of minutes 2 years ago
i've felt my stomach walls bleed
and i've had that realy irritating belches due to gastric gases
gastricitis sucks. big time.
so that kinda sums up my first 3 weeks of ns
tried 2.4km runs..but fell out at the 2.0km mark after around 8 minutes plus of running
tried chin ups, saw my standard drop from 3 to 2 to 1 to 0
called family members and close, much loved friends each night
built bonds with my bunk mates
saw my relationship with God grow by leaps and bounds
Heard and saw and seen God speak to me in ways I cannot explain
Thinks I have already seen God's will in my life and the direction to take
So inspite of the gastric pain, many good things have come out of it
yesterday went to ACJC funfair fun-o-rama
met up witht he serveryucks peeps
most left by 2 plus though.
spent 2 hrs with brandon and issac and denise waiting for feebs and shay
fun fair was quite interesting though
nvr knew it could be so big
i'm scheduled to meet my gastricitis doctor tml
the sergeants have adviced me to ask to be put out of training
looks like down pes-ing is imminent
wonder when all my other gastric tests or xrays will be
i'm certainly not looking forward to the barium test, if i ever have to do it again =(
booking in later at 8pm
ciao civilian world tml morning =)
Labels: National Service, thailand mission trip
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sentosa Outing
8:42 PM
That epitomizes yesterday's history making Yucks Knights/Server Yucks first combined outing in prep for mission trip =D
Sentosa was our destination, but boy did we have fun even before we hit sentosa!
Ben's n Jerry's was having a 'sing-a-song' promo and we had something like 12 scoops of free ice cream!
YES! FREE! hahaha
i think its a fantastic promotion that they're doing =D
anyway, it started raining even before we hit the beach
Thank God the moment we finished our ice cream, the rain stopped!
God's blessings never fails =D
It was great playing beach games
And I'm happy to have successfully made the guys who wanted to throw me into the sea back off after 2 to 3 minutes of chasing
i feel awesome =D
Anyhow, I finally made my splash in the water on my own
i'm loving the sea, although suffering CRAMPS wasnt
it was a pity that only 4 of us (me, ben, phoebe, shaylen) went into the sea and stayed there throughout. Issac joined us but left prettay soon
It was hilarious though that me and ben suffered cramps..haha
It was a great chat that S4 had, and I thoroughly enjoyed it <3
ResortsWorld Sentosa is looking like a class above the other holiday destination in Singapore
Although only a soft opening, it was nonetheless starting to look like a great place to hang out
We had dinner at Just Acia, which was like my first time at that cafe
pretty decent food, at relatively cheap prices, so its not a bad place for meals
The only downside to yesterday was the endless flow of icecream
But oh well, NS is coming, lets just enjoy life first yea
Markus mum was super nice by coming down to pick us up from pasir ris mrt and sent me home
The past few weeks, been pretty enjoyable and encouraging
Listening to the different walks of life
Whether joyous or painful stories, it has all borne God's hands over it.
Mission trip in 2 weeks time!!
Wonders what will we expect to see..hmm
Anyway, today celebrated mummy's birthday
Xueli and her husband ChinCher invited us to lunch at Changi Airport's T3 Crown Prince Hotel for a sumptuous international buffet
I absolutely loved the chicken drumlets, and the dessert!
bread and butter pudding, chocolate mud cakes, Strawberry Chocolate cakes, Creme Burlei, Red Ruby, and of course, ice cream! haha
Thinks it is a nice place to chill and have a meal
alrite..I'm going to do the last thing I have to do today now.
That's to was the soccer ball and volleyball that yucksknights used yesterday.
And also phoebe's ben n jerry's icecream container since it has traces of sand still
After that, it'll be time to catch Manchester united take on Portsmouth before bedtime beckons....
Hopes United beats portsmouth comfortably =D
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
tired =X
11:15 PM
new blog skin!
actually its just a variation from my first blog skin in sec 3..ahah
today's chaplaincy work was awesome! *high 5!*
i preferred the session with the lower primary though
I think doing the actions with the kids was really enjoyable
But the sermons on 'understanding sexuality' for the rest of the day was a little too heavy going for the entire day
Can u believe this? Chelsea drew with Hull. That's absolutely AWESOME!
I cant wait for Chelsea Arsenal match this weekend =D
Hopefully Arsenal wins, so taht United can overtake Chelsea with a win over Portsmouth
I am really tired, so I'm off to sleep.
Tml's there might be group outing
So I need all the sleep I can get today
I havent continued with my mini-project today, so its still 450 more to go
I wonder if I can get it down within my timeframe =)
Labels: SERVE 2010, soccer, tired
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
SERVE 2010 Y.U.C.K.S
9:41 PM
in a flash, 2 weeks of SERVE has passed
3 more weeks to mission!
waking up early everyday kinda brings back memories of school
it's weird, but i do miss school sometimes.
every morning as i take the bus to SAV, i see many students aboard the bus, and I sit there wondering..
"How would I be feeling right now if i were still studying, like one of those out there"
Stressed? Tired? Happy? Lonely? Excited? Emotion-less?
Thank God there's SERVE..apart from constantly hearing God's words, I get to meet new people too from different walks of life, but share 1 common faith =D
Anyway, tml we're doing chaplain work for St Andrews Junior School
Have to be there by 7.15AM!!!
Gosh..I'll have to leave the house by 5.30 LATEST..
This is totally AWESOME (Don't you agree phoebe? haha ^^)
I've been absolutely abnormally 'high' over the last few days.
Firstly there's the really successful Youth event 'SOOKA', which I feel everyone had fun in..esp me, caused it was really hilarious watching the youths play the games..AHAH
Secondly, there's the hugely salivating 3-1 trashing of Arsenal by Manchester United =D OLE OLE
Lastly, there's this AWESOME thing me and phoebe started today..which liven up the group's mood alot..HAHA
anyway's, I just rmb-ed about the angel and mortal's game my grp is planning
btr get going with my gift for my mortal
Labels: AWESOME, Manchester United, SERVE 2010, Y.U.C.K.S.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
First post of 2010
12:23 AM
omg. its been 6 months since i last posted. a sudden impulse to reblog. haha
well..today's like a quick update?
1) A Levels were long gone! yes! 2 years of jc have come..and gone. like..zooooom.
2) Uncle Galvin and family (that includes my two lovely cousins!) came in june..and they left in july..miss them!
3) Pastor Ezekiel has left Poiema. Welcome Pastor Ya Hui!
4) Tiong Wei (Best friend) has been baptised 2 weeks ago! Amen!
5) First Cell outing was concluded at the end of last year =X (We took some time to settle huh!) Lets have a smashing great one at the start of this year =)
6) SAT test results were out 3 weeks ago! According to ratings, its not too bad!
7) NS is round the corner. That means the nation needs me (though they probably need computers more than human beings =X)
8) Finally..I'm still as crazy as I can be about Manchester United =D
I should really be getting to sleep..but FarmVille has connection issues that are yet to be resolved. RAWR
oh well..its a long day tml, and the day after. There's soccer at The Cage, Babysitting of my God brother, and Primary 6.1 outing to attend tml! and on friday, there's more babysitting, followed by church prep for sat events!
I guess my mini project will have to be on hold for a couple more days =X
Oh well..thats about it for my first post of 2010. I'll think through my new year resolutions for 2010 and see if I wanna post it up here =D
Labels: 2010
Friday, April 17, 2009
bad shopping day!
10:45 PM
i just have to rant about this.
its just weird that one has to queue before even knowing what the heck is on offer
granted the fact that its the first chain in Singapore, and opened with much fanfare, the shop was seriously miserably small as observed from the OUTSIDE
yet, there were like long queues of people who I feel most just wanted to have a look at what’s on offer
Mum wanted to bring me to get a pair of jeans, but the long queue totally killed every shopping mood we have
The least they could have done was to offer shoppers catalogues for those who just wanted to know what they sell!
It’s really one of those consumerism tricks. They make you queue for long time, then it makes you feel compelled to buy something at least after all you have ‘queued for several hours’.
And to be honest, the complaints against Tampines 1 are coming in seemingly faster than the praise.
Everyone looked forward to it, but barely less then a day since it opened, the Straits Times carried interviews with disgruntled shoppers and tenants who are upset with parking slots.
I for one felt the 203 slots made available was a big joke.
Tampines Mall and fellow Mall Chain of Asia Malls, Century Square, had excess of 600 parking slots, and yet, it was already not enough for the shoppers of these 2 malls.
Add a third mall, and add at the very least another 5000 shoppers a day? 203 parking slots for both shop tenants and shoppers is way too little.
Moreover, it seems to me T1 has a lot of high end boutiques and pretty good restaurants.
Didn't they see the need for parking slots?
But that’s besides the point.
Queuing to enter a shop may be evident during big sales at places like EXPO or Suntec. But in a mall, I don’t see the need, and it killed the shopping mood when they said this “Yes you have to queue to enter” without a single smile or whatsoever.
Its just crazy.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
9:41 PM
I know I haven’t been exactly posting in recent days (or even weeks)..but its all down to a real lack of time and many things have since taken over greater importance in my life at THIS point of time.
But I really wanted to update my blog, which I was hoping to do so with my class recent BBQ pictures..but I have yet to receive them =X
I’m also very lazy such that I am blogging now without logging onto Blogger. Instead, I decided to use Windows Live Writer for the first time!
Anyway, recent MBT have been crap
Full of crap.
Having seen the need to pass Chemistry and Economics, I decided to focus fully on it. Granted the fact that my Economics improved (but still failed), it didnt seem all worth the risk as my Maths and Physics took some battering as well
The only saving grace was my General Paper, which got a C grade, but that’s still not anywhere I want my results to be come year end.
Oh, and yea, Project Work results came out last Thursday, and 95.5% of MJC students got an A grade
yea, and I got it too =)
Really want to thank my group mates for putting in the extra hard work and all the sleepless nights we had. =D
Hmm, as for today, during PE, gastrics overcame me yet again
The feeling kinda irritates me.
I managed to get pass the 2.4KM trial run, which I surprised myself by taking longer than usual to complete (partly blamed by frequent gastric attacks that prevented me from completing full 2.4km over past few months), but it was still a silver grade.
I actually managed to sprint the last round in under 1 minute 30 seconds as I realized my time was like 10min 50 seconds by the fifth round, so had to sprint the last 400m to get that D grade. Hopefully I’ll do that for my upcoming NAPFA test as well.
Be going to finally visit Tampines One tomorrow with mum. Helping her to carry some pillows (If we ever find any among the crowds..)
School’s been pretty decent recently.
Oh, and did I forget to mention I’ve just been awake for 20 hours! Woke up at 2am last night to catch the second leg of Man United Porto match. Was surprised I didn’t have the urge to sleep in class today. That's good =D
back to my tutorials.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
German Lunch
7:35 PM
Long absence
Well, will change blogskin once MBT is over
Thought I upload some pics from last Sunday's lunch-dinner meal with aunt and sis
Aunt steph brought me and my sis to this German Restaurant at Katong area called Wearnes
We ate at around 3..haha..so not sure if its lunch or dinner =X
Aunt said that the Pork Knuckles were good, so we ordered it..but before that..came our...
2.Garden Linguini
3.Cheese German Sausage (OMG..this is good. seriously.)
4.Pork Knuckles
5.Warm Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream (No Pic)
6.Baked Cheesecake (Takeaway)
German food is nice!
On the way home, saw this hilarious advert on the bus
Either the chicken's stopped growing, or its everything around me that come to a stop
hmm..in cinemas December 1..they're repeating the show? lol
There's another funny advert by CapitaLand that i saw just a few days back (Last Sat in fact)
it was an advert for the new condo Livia in Pasir Ris (Yes, bao...its Livia)
they drew this map for people to know the ammenities in the vicinity
and then I saw this info
"Meridian Pri/Sec"
I thought to myself..there is a meridian sec next to meridian pri???
Wait a minute..where's Meridian JC?
and i realised..
There was in fact no Meridian Sec!
these advertisers had made this big mistake of thinking Meridian JC was Meridian Sec
what a joke..and there isnt even Meridian Sec
Wonder how advertisements are processed before being published
back to studying for econs!
i so d*** like it
95.0 FM Only hear, The good things
Labels: German Food
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
eons since i last posted
12:08 AM
its been a very very long time since i last posted
well..jc 2 life's been pretty monotonous..although its a little more fun now due to slowly improving results
but still..this is nt the time to celebrate the small improement!
8 more months =X
econs still cmi
but maths and physics improving
i'm finally starting to feel my A for physics
and i guess..thats good?
although latest test only got a B, i was just that close to an A
so i'll work even harder!
anyway, the last fortnight have been soccer crazy
woke up 2 wed ago to watch man utd inter
and prob will wake up this thurs morn to catch the second leg
after all, friday's an off day
since mjc's having a celebratory off day for good alvl results
and speaking of friday, i'll be having a check up on my stomach
praying that nth's wrong
and i love the new sanctuary at the third floor that the church recently renovated
so super cosy!
okay..after eons of not posting, i feel like i dunno what to write here
oh yea
tml morn meeting penguin for bfast
sch starts late!
i'll get some slp now
good nites!
Labels: post post post